** The 44th (Y2023) JASTA SSTV Activity Contest Rules **

We are in the midst of COVID, but we will hold a contest again this year for our STAY HOME (Stau Shack).

We look forward to your participation.

1.Contest periods:
From August 1st 2023 (00:00 UTC) to August 31 (24:00 UTC)

3.5MHz and all upper bands.Use Only frequencies which are authorized by each individual station license.

In addition, operation near 14.230MHz is prohibited in the 20m band. Please participate in the JASTA contest by operating around 14.330MHz. If it can be determined that many complaints have been violated, it will be treated as "disqualification".

3. Categories of Entry:
a) "J" Category (Japanese only): Japanese domestic stations
b) "S" Category(DX station): All stations operating outside of

   Japan. If a Japanese station operates outside Japan, this will be considered a DX contact.

4.QSO Point:
Exchange the usual RSV plus a progressive QSO number starting with 001 which should be displayed in the picture exchange. Regardless of  bands used, a station may only be worked  once each UTC day .
If possible, during the exchange,  include one's own face picture or some kind of illustration. QSO points authorized  by bands.
3.5-28MHz ... 1 point
50-430MHz ... 2 points
1200MHz & upper ... 3 points

5. Multipliers:
 Work all  Japanese callsign districts(JA1-JA0 total 10) + DXCC Entities worked. Use DXCC List.  Do not count Japan as a DXCC country + Number of  days on the air.  (10 days at the maximum

even if a station  operates  more than 10 days)
note:Prefix 7K-7N's are all JA1 area

6. Scoring:
The final score is computed by multiplying the sum of the QSO points by the sum of multipliers as described in Paragraph 5.

7. Contest awards:
1) A PDF(electric) award will be sent to the 1st, the 2nd and the 3rd Score of each sections. But when the number of stations are less than 10, awards will be sent to the 1st place winner only.
2) New face certificate will be sent to the 1st of new comers. so please annotate your summary sheets “new Comer” " on summary sheets.
3) YL(XYL) certificate will be sent to the 1st place YL(XYL) stations.

4) PDF award will be sent by e-Mail to each winner from JASTA.

8. Logs:
Summary sheets and Log sheets should be arranged and mailed to the Contest manager. Email contest Summary sheet and logs to: JASTA Contest Secretary 
ja2hyd(at)jarl.com   The log should be in a text file format.  Email (text format)  summary.  Both Summary and logs should be forwarded to


By using MMJASTA.exe included in MMSSTV, you can easily create submission Summary and Log.

 Assure you station callsign is in the e-mail subject line. ADIF/cabrillo format summary and log are acceptable.

9. Deadline for log entries:
Log entries must be received by September 10th.(UTC) 

10. Regulations:
1) All Amateur Radio stations who has a license to transmit SSTV signal.
2) Output power: Up to maximum power officially authorized by the operators class license .
3) Both B/W and Color Picture QSO are accepted.
4) A contest QSO should be one station to one station QSO. Round table style QSO’s between multiple stations will not be counted.

5) Cross band QSO will not be counted as a contest QSO.
6) All the QSO; JA to JA station, JA to DX station, DX to DX

  station will be counted and  accepted as contest QSOs.

11.JASTA Contest Results:

12.The Contest Manager and Mailing Address :
JASTA Contest Secretariat  Toshi JA2HYD


 JASTA logo & sheets down load

                           LOGO mark down load

                           Log sheet down load 

                           Summary sheets format down load